Electronic Medical Records Software: Single Point Solution For Healthcare Professionals

by michaelparker337

The term EMR or Electronic Medical Record is often used in conjunction with EHR or Electronic Health Record and is freely substituted. Apparently, both look the same, but they are not. The electronic medical records software finds its use in the medical parlance and assists the medical fraternity to help in billing, claim submission or in prescription writing.

It can be said that the EMR solutions are now used to streamline operational efficiency and improve patient care and outcomes. Normally, an EMR solution incorporates the electronic prescribing, lab result integration, patient portals, diagnostics, imaging and the management suit. The software solution is modular and can be customized and integrated to meet the requirement of the client.

All these software modules are HIPAA compliant. HIPAA was the abbreviated form of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, a federal act enacted in 1996. The primary objective of the law is to encourage people to keep health insurance information and to ensure the protection and security of the sensitive data and help the healthcare industry to keep administrative cost low. Certification for Meaningful Use 1 and 2 is important.

A critical component of the software solution is that it allows full integration. There is no need to enter the data multiple times. Once the patient is in the system and has been verified by the medical professional, the entire data flows into the system from the prescription to billing and if necessary to the insurer for the reimbursement claims. If a system is high quality and well designed, the electronic medical records software takes care of the entire process.

The customization process for your unique medical practice is not lengthy; it is rather easy to incorporate the specialized service of the provider including the fee structure. It can be easily accessed from Smartphone, notebooks, netbooks and the desktops. The only requirements are the internet connection and up to date hardware.

Data capturing is also made easy as it accepts voice recognition, hand-writing recognition, point-and-click templates or through the standard keyboard entry. It is secured with 128-bit SSL encryption and the cloud computing keeps the data safe from tampering.